
FGDC Metadata

Identification Information:
Citation Information:
Online Linkage: Server=SIT01; Service=5151; User=DRSFULL; Version=SDE.DEFAULT
Originator: Settore Trasporti
Publication Date: 2006
Title: lf_bs_iseo_edolo
File or Table Name: lf_bs_iseo_edolo
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
Native Data Set Environment: Open Vector
Language of Dataset: it
Abstract: Linea ferroviaria Brescia-Iseo-Edolo
Purpose: Digitalizzate ed estrapolate tramite il software di gestione del Trasporto Pubblico Locale Open Vector
Time Period of Content:
Currentness Reference: data pubblicazione
Time Period Information:
Single Date/Time:
Calendar Date: 2006
Progress: completo
Maintenance and Update Frequency: nessuna
Spatial Domain:
Bounding Coordinates:
West Bounding Coordinate: 10.015517
East Bounding Coordinate: 10.354256
North Bounding Coordinate: 46.179667
South Bounding Coordinate: 45.530631
Local Bounding Coordinates:
Left Bounding Coordinate: 1579295.000000
Right Bounding Coordinate: 1604534.226100
Bottom Bounding Coordinate: 5042865.681900
Top Bounding Coordinate: 5114619.967400
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: Trasporti
Theme Keyword: Linea ferroviaria Brescia-Iseo-Edolo
Place Keyword: Provincia di Brescia
Access Constraints: solo uso interno
Use Constraints: per uso interno utenti della Provincia di Brescia
Native Dataset Format: Personal GeoDatabase Feature Class
Point of Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Person Primary:
Contact Person: Tiziano Andriulli
Contact Organization: Provincia di Brescia - Settore Trasporti
Contact Position: Funzionario Amministrativo
Data Set Credit: 2006
Data Quality Information:
Process Step:
Process Description: Dataset copied.
Source Used Citation Abbreviation: \\MIL-TRASPOR-113\C\SILVIA\TRASPORTI.mdb
Time of Day: 15574300
Process Step:
Process Description: Dataset copied.
Source Used Citation Abbreviation: \\Lingis-118\per_utenti\erik\sintesi.mdb
Time of Day: 16431500
Spatial Data Organization Information:
Direct Spatial Reference Method: Vector
Point and Vector Object Information:
ESRI Terms Description:
ESRI Feature Type: Simple
ESRI Feature Geometry: Polyline
ESRI Topology: FALSE
ESRI Feature Count: 0
Spatial Index: TRUE
Linear Referencing: FALSE
SDTS Terms Description:
SDTS Point and Vector Object Type: String
Point and Vector Object Count: 0
Spatial Reference Information:
Horizontal Coordinate System Definition:
Coordinate System Name:
Geographic Coordinate System Name: GCS_Monte_Mario
Projected Coordinate System Name: Monte_Mario_Italy_1
Planar Coordinate Information:
Planar Coordinate Encoding Method: coordinate pair
Planar Distance Units: meters
Coordinate Representation:
Abscissa Resolution: 0.000100
Ordinate Resolution: 0.000100
Map Projection:
Map Projection Name: Transverse Mercator
Transverse Mercator:
Scale Factor at Central Meridian: 0.999600
Longitude of Central Meridian: 9.000000
Latitude of Projection Origin: 0.000000
False Easting: 1500000.000000
False Northing: 0.000000
Geodetic Model:
Horizontal Datum Name: D_Monte_Mario
Ellipsoid Name: International_1924
Semi-major Axis: 6378388.000000
Denominator of Flattening Ratio: 297.000000
Vertical Coordinate System Definition:
Altitude System Definition:
Altitude Encoding Method: Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates
Altitude Resolution: 0.000100
Entity and Attribute Information:
Detailed Description:
Attribute Label: RODID
Attribute Alias: RODID
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Definition: codice interno del sistema
Attribute Definition Source: Openvector
Entity Type:
Entity Type Label: lf_bs_iseo_edolo
Entity Type Type: Feature Class
Entity Type Count: 0
Attribute Label: OBJECTID
Attribute Alias: OBJECTID
Attribute Type: OID
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 10
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Definition: numero interno della singola entità
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute Label: ID
Attribute Alias: ID
Attribute Type: Integer
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 10
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Definition: codice interno del sistema
Attribute Definition Source: Openvector
Attribute Label: ZWORK_
Attribute Alias: ZWORK_
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Definition: codice interno del sistema
Attribute Definition Source: Openvector
Attribute Label: LEVEL_
Attribute Alias: LEVEL_
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Definition: codice interno del sistema
Attribute Definition Source: Openvector
Attribute Label: COLOR
Attribute Alias: COLOR
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Definition: codice interno del sistema
Attribute Definition Source: Openvector
Attribute Label: STYLE
Attribute Alias: STYLE
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Definition: codice interno del sistema
Attribute Definition Source: Openvector
Attribute Label: MSLINK
Attribute Alias: MSLINK
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Definition: codice interno del sistema
Attribute Definition Source: Openvector
Attribute Label: TABLE_
Attribute Alias: TABLE_
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Definition: codice interno del sistema
Attribute Definition Source: Openvector
Attribute Label: WEIGTH
Attribute Alias: WEIGTH
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Definition: codice interno del sistema
Attribute Definition Source: Openvector
Attribute Label: SPECIAL1
Attribute Alias: SPECIAL1
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Definition: codice interno del sistema
Attribute Definition Source: Openvector
Attribute Label: SPECIAL2
Attribute Alias: SPECIAL2
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Definition: codice interno del sistema
Attribute Definition Source: Openvector
Attribute Label: SWORK_
Attribute Alias: SWORK_
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 32
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Definition: codice interno del sistema
Attribute Definition Source: Openvector
Attribute Label: RUNTIME1
Attribute Alias: RUNTIME1
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Definition: codice interno del sistema
Attribute Definition Source: Openvector
Attribute Label: RUNTIME2
Attribute Alias: RUNTIME2
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Definition: codice interno del sistema
Attribute Definition Source: Openvector
Attribute Label: SHAPE
Attribute Alias: Shape
Attribute Type: Geometry
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Definition: Feature geometry.
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Coordinates defining the features.
Attribute Label: Shape
Attribute Alias: Shape
Attribute Type: Geometry
Attribute Width: 0
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Definition: Feature geometry.
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Coordinates defining the features.
Attribute Label: LEN
Attribute Alias: LEN
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: RUNTIME3
Attribute Alias: RUNTIME3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 128
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Definition: codice interno del sistema
Attribute Definition Source: Openvector
Attribute Label: LEN_1
Attribute Alias: LEN_1
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: Shape_Length
Attribute Alias: Shape_Length
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Definition: Length of feature in internal units.
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.
Distribution Information:
Resource Description: Settore Trasporti
Contact Information:
Contact Person Primary:
Contact Person: Tiziano Andriulli
Contact Organization: Provincia di Brescia - Settore Trasporti
Contact Position: Funzionario Amministrativo
Metadata Reference Information:
Language of Metadata: it
Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Time Convention: local time
Metadata Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Person: REQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.
Contact Organization: REQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.
Contact Address:
Address Type: REQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.
City: REQUIRED: The city of the address.
State or Province: REQUIRED: The state or province of the address.
Postal Code: REQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.
Contact Voice Telephone: REQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.
Metadata Date: 20071005
Metadata Extensions:
Online Linkage: http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html
Profile Name: ESRI Metadata Profile

ISO Metadata

Metadata language:
Metadata character set:
utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format
Scope of the data described by the metadata:
Scope name: dataset
Last update: 20071005
Name of the metadata standard used: ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata
Version of the metadata standard: DIS_ESRI1.0
Distribution Information:
Transfer options:
Online source:
Online location (URL): Server=SIT01; Service=5151; User=DRSFULL; Version=SDE.DEFAULT
Connection protocol: ArcSDE Connection
Description: Downloadable Data
Available format:
Format name: Personal GeoDatabase Feature Class
Identification Information:
Processing environment: Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog
Dataset language:
Title: lf_bs_iseo_edolo
Presentation format:
digital map
Spatial representation type:
Other extent information:
Geographic extent:
Geographic extent:
West longitude: 1579295
East longitude: 1604534.2261
North latitude: 5114619.9674
South latitude: 5042865.6819
Extent contains the resource: yes
Resource's bounding rectangle:
West longitude: 10.015517
East longitude: 10.354256
North latitude: 46.179667
South latitude: 45.530631
Extent contains the resource: yes
Spatial Representation Information:
Spatial Representation - Vector:
Level of topology for this dataset:
geometry only
Geometric objects:
Object type:
Object count: 0
Reference System Information:
Reference system identifier:
Reference system identifier:
Identity code: Monte_Mario_Italy_1

ESRI Metadata

Creation Date: 20071009
Creation Time: 16431500
Synchronize Once: FALSE
(Process):CreateFeatureclass C:\SILVIA\TRASPORTI.mdb\Trasporti lf_bs_iseo_edolo # tematizza_lin_Layer SAME_AS_TEMPLATE SAME_AS_TEMPLATE "{B286C06B-0879-11D2-AACA-00C04FA33C20};1454475,65953212 4941303,87109238 7812,49999272404;0 100000;0 100000" # 0 0 0 C:\SILVIA\TRASPORTI.mdb\Trasporti\lf_bs_iseo_edolo
(Process):Append tematizza_lin_Layer C:\SILVIA\TRASPORTI.mdb\Trasporti\lf_bs_iseo_edolo TEST C:\SILVIA\TRASPORTI.mdb\Trasporti\lf_bs_iseo_edolo
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(Process):FeatureClassToFeatureClass "Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo" C:\aprove\sintesi.mdb\provincia lf_bs_iseo_edolo # "ID ID true true false 4 Long 0 10 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,ID,-1,-1;ZWORK_ ZWORK_ true true false 8 Double 8 38 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,ZWORK_,-1,-1;LEVEL_ LEVEL_ true true false 8 Double 8 38 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,LEVEL_,-1,-1;COLOR COLOR true true false 8 Double 8 38 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,COLOR,-1,-1;STYLE STYLE true true false 8 Double 8 38 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,STYLE,-1,-1;MSLINK MSLINK true true false 8 Double 8 38 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,MSLINK,-1,-1;TABLE_ TABLE_ true true false 8 Double 8 38 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,TABLE_,-1,-1;WEIGTH WEIGTH true true false 8 Double 8 38 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,WEIGTH,-1,-1;SPECIAL1 SPECIAL1 true true false 8 Double 8 38 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,SPECIAL1,-1,-1;SPECIAL2 SPECIAL2 true true false 8 Double 8 38 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,SPECIAL2,-1,-1;SWORK_ SWORK_ true true false 32 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,SWORK_,-1,-1;RUNTIME1 RUNTIME1 true true false 8 Double 8 38 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,RUNTIME1,-1,-1;RUNTIME2 RUNTIME2 true true false 8 Double 8 38 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,RUNTIME2,-1,-1;RUNTIME3 RUNTIME3 true true false 128 Text 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,RUNTIME3,-1,-1;RODID RODID true true false 8 Double 8 38 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,RODID,-1,-1;LEN LEN false true true 8 Double 8 38 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo.LEN,-1,-1;LEN_1 LEN_1 false false true 0 Double 0 0 ,First,#,Database Connections\sit01_utente_geogra.sde\PROV_SDE.trasporti\PROV_SDE.lf_bs_iseo_edolo,SHAPE.LEN,-1,-1" # C:\aprove\sintesi.mdb\provincia\lf_bs_iseo_edolo
Synchronization Date: 20071005
Synchronization Time: 11543600
Modification Date: 20071005
Modification Time: 11543600
Metadata ID: {3229386A-16AE-4D24-89A5-F4FD95FB8D14}